Saturday, May 2, 2020

Tales From The Storm, Volume Two, By C.R. Langille, Anthology Review

C.R. Langille's Tales from the Storm: Volume Two is a wonderful continuation of his work. Readers of his collection, Tales from the Storm: Volume One (review) have a good understanding of what is in store for them.

In Volume One, Langille delivered short stories previously published. Volume Two includes four new releases along with five previously published pieces. In addition to having his earlier works in a single location, you have new ones you haven't had the chance to read yet.

Langille's stories embrace a backdrop for the land he loves. He lives in Utah, and the stories he writes, be they horror or fantasy, they reflect a feeling of the scrub oak, desert, and red rock this part of the world is renowned for. His descriptions give the imagination fodder to develop visuals of where the stories take place. He is adept at turning the location into an additional characteristic of the story to provide breadth and depth.

His characters are a collection of individuals. Some single author anthologies are a repetition of a character placed in a new skin to fit a different setting or genre. Langille has the creativity to provide new and interesting characters for each story. As you move between the stories, you find new settings and characters.

Tales from the Storm: Volume Two is a successful single author anthology. The variability of the stories allows you to read one piece at a time, or continue on to the next story, without losing interest. Most are horror stories, as expected, but they are driven by the suspense to make you think about the possibilities of reality.

Previously Published Works

The Devouring Maw, originally published in The Hunger, 2018 (review)

The Dark Place, originally published in Peaks of Madness, 2019

The Temptation of the Moon Shadow, originally published in the Horror Writers Association Poetry Showcase Volume 5, 2018

The Demons We Bring, Originally published in Old Scratch & Owl Hoots, 2015

The Horror of Sunshine Meadow, originally published online by Books of the Dead Press, 2013

New Stories

The Cedar Box—elves with an Old West feel.

Mr. Abernathy's Music Box—the seas and the love some men have for it.

Final Moment—works of art contain their own story.

Kathy Loves Kittens—acceptance and letting go can be hard.

Tales from the Storm: Volume Two is available on Amazon (link).

About the Author (from the book)

C.R. Langille spent many a Saturday afternoon watching monster movies with his mother. It wasn't long before he started crafting nightmares to share with his readers. An avid hunter and amateur survivalist, C.R. Langille incorporates the Utah outdoors in many of his tales. He is an affiliated member of the Horror Writer's Association and received his MFA: Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University

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