Tuesday, March 4, 2014

There was once where we got half the bus to ourselves,
twenty minutes ride felt like a road trip,
voices chorded in sweet masculinity.
infinite surprises from babes.
chapter1 meets 2,
Blessed, i definitely was. i had everything

There was once i woke up to breakfast and candles,
eggs in toast with love,
downed it in seconds and rushed to work, 
still there was a moment when everything felt right. 
Love, knew how exactly it felt. chapter1 said goodbye

Then there was once i spent half a day with myself,
slice of red velvet and an empty chair,
the night touring with someone i barely knew,
songs sang while weak fire flickered. chapter2 misplaced
I wasn't looking forward to 365 days later,
God knows how it would be like.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

I thought it was over but oh god i was so wrong.
And shit cause someone's gonna get me for this